2024 02 15

Abandoned roller coaster. Williams Grove, Pennsylvania. November, 2023. ยฉ Clayton Hauck

As a young guy, I was obsessed with roller coasters. Iโ€™d spend hours drawing and designing them, hours more building them virtually in Roller Coaster Tycoon, and in my spare time beyond this, would travel the country riding them with my fellow coaster nerd friends. At one coaster nerd meetup event, I made a friend named Jack who remains one of my best buds to this day. While we donโ€™t spend nearly as much time obsessing over amusement attractions these days, we still have similar viewpoints on many things, so when I saw his IG story summarizing his thoughts on last nightโ€™s Super Bowl festivities, it really hit me. I found myself in a bad mood after the game and wasnโ€™t really sure why but his post made it make some sense.

Reposted without permission via @JackIsFun on Instagram:

โ€œAnyone else a little revolted by the Super Bowl? Obviously nonstop ads for junk food and soda, crass commercialization of everything to create want and profit off middle and lower class Americans, plus pure BS from the NFL and advertisers about mental health when they are part of the problem by pushing all this junk, consumption, chasing status, etc. And, of course, itโ€™s in Las Vegas.

THEN - one by one - the winners all declare that their accomplishment means nothing and itโ€™s back to the grind tomorrow. No time to take it in and enjoy the view. A win means nothing. A dynasty is everything. Just work, just dominate, never stop, in a sport that literally kills you. But, hey, oh yeah, mental health is important. America. โœŒ๏ธโ€
— Jack

More on this coaster nerd stuff another dayโ€ฆ



2024 02 16


2024 02 14